we are equal, we are hummble.

A self care ritual. Giving you a moment to rest your mind, nourish your body and connect with your soul.

We offer powdered plant elixirs to bring a new form of energy and vitality to your day.

The Offering

our vision is for all people to see plants as their medicine, nourishing themselves to feel harmonious, vibrant and joyful in their bodies each and everyday.

In return for nature sustaining us, we value the importance of looking after this earth by sourcing only ethical and organic ingredients and environmentally friendly packaging. x


As a small family run business we firmly believe it is our responsibility for what our products are packaged in and how we reduce any impact we have on the environment now and for our future generations. 

We have sourced biodegradable and home compostable pouches and labels made from plants.

'When you know better, you do better' Maya Angelou

becoming h u mm ble.

Let us introduce you to Laura and Matt, the creative masterminds behind hummble. As a family of four, they embarked on a journey to explore the beauty of Australia, but soon discovered a daily ritual that would change their lives forever.

With Laura's expertise in Ayurveda and Food Science, the family started each day with a warm cup of cacao infused with superfoods, medicinal mushrooms, and Ayurvedic herbs to nourish their bodies and souls.

reiki infused

as Einstein said ' everything is energy' therefore each product is reiki infused, returning the ingredients to the purity nature intended and while raising the vibration and infusing them with love.

we source only the finest organic ingredients from farms worldwide, so you can trust every cup is filled with the highest quality ingredients without impacting on our earths nourishing soil.

adaptogenic superfoods

a craveable drink infused with potent quantities of raw criollo cacao, rapadura a medicinal mushroom blend (cordyceps, shiitake, maitake, turkey tail), masala chai blend, activated maca, astragalus, chilli powder and sea salt.

served warm or on ice, it's become a daily pleasure for many, replacing the desire for coffee while replenishing your mind and body.


as a small family run business we firmly believe it is our responsibility for what our products are packaged in and how we reduce any impact we have on the environment now and for our future generations.